Those of you with Action Man eagle eyes will no doubt have spotted something slightly different about our Twitter and Facebook profiles these last couple of days.
If you haven't noticed anything, can I suggest you get yourself down to Toymaster pretty sharpish and get one of those flicky switches installed in the back of your head.
What are we rattling on about? Why, the new Manx Litfest logo, of course!
A while back, we asked if any IOM-based designers/artists fancied devising a logo or two and submitting them to us, with the plan being we'd choose our favourite to be used in the run-up to next year's festival. Many logos from several designers/artists pinged their way into our inbox and it was a tough choice.
Ultimately, we liked what Ali had done and went back to her with a couple of suggestions - and, hey presto, she dazzled us again with more options. The Manx Litfest team unanimously fell for the one above/right and it will be used to brand literature, the forthcoming website and our social media presence.
It will also form the basis of a range of merchandise - we can't wait to see the logo emblazoned across a T-shirt or adorning a mug etc...
So, our eternal thanks to Ali. She is indeed a woman of many talents - and a busy one at that; an artist, she also teaches an evening class in photography at IOM College, is a part-time library assistant at Henry Bloom Noble Library in Douglas and works full-time at Waterstones.
You can find out more about her on twitter by following @agc_art or by visiting her on Tumblr
Thanks again, Ali!
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